
  • Schools & Colleges

    Our cost planners and estimators provide strategic advisory services to help clients precisely estimate and Quantify construction projects for future delivery of services in growing regions.


Our cost planners and estimators give strategic Advisory services to assist our clients exactly estimate and Quantify construction projects for future delivery of services in growing regions. Bidkon provides turn-key construction life management services from managing the finances and prices of construction projects inside budget, timelines and resources to confirm that the foremost economic and environmentally property service solutions are adopted. Our business coming up with experience combines an intensive understanding of challenges faced by clients in class and schools construction give up depth insight which will be accustomed inform and drive our processes and procedures, establish and mitigate problems, and ultimately win made execution of comes.

Project Name : 1 BRIDGE STREET – KORUMBURRA ST   |    Architect : CROSIER SCOTT   |    Client : WHITEHART

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    Unit 3, Dyon Road,
    West Melbourne, VIC 3003,